Official web page

OceanWP Band.

Launch an official web presentation of your band, bar or events with the Music WordPress template for Elementor by OceanWP. In this area you can add a few catchy words about you.

Upcoming Event

Experience WordPress in a new way with OceanWP

see you in California

Play Now

We will, we will rock you

original & cover rock songs

In this are add a little bit about the type of music and songs you're playing so that you can tickle their imagination. Songs and music are your area of expertise and we'll leave that to you. WordPress is ours, so don't hesitate to start working on your website today with our ready-to-use full website templates that save time and energy.

New album release

Add a little bit information about your new album or whatever it is that you're working on. Be concise enough but also leave the rest to their imagination.

vote for us on the radio

Add a little bit information about your new album or whatever it is that you're working on. Be concise enough but also leave the rest to their imagination.​

Available on spotify

Add a little bit information about your new album or whatever it is that you're working on. Be concise enough but also leave the rest to their imagination.​

Born to be wild

About the band

All true music fans want to know as much as possible about their favorite band, but this is not the right place for that. Add enough info to keep them intrigued and let them find out the rest by visiting your concerts, live performances, listening to your songs or reading your lyrics. Just remember yourself and a fascination about a band, then follow that concept for full success.

0 M+
0 k+

New single

Sweet child theme o' mine

New album

It's your WordPress

We know your album will have a better title than this so don't be afraid to announce it and add a few words about the number of songs, dates and all other music notes to make this section really pop (or rock).

Charity concert

Save the music section at jJ Adams middle school

9PM | 26th of November, Rock Palace, Chicago, IL
Come and bring your check books, let the kids rock!

Upcoming gigs

Mini rock tours

10PM | Sep 9th, Mad Cows Moo, San Francisco, CA

9PM | Oct 12th, Burn the Bills, San Diego, CA

9PM | Oct 31st, Spill Ya' Beer, Atlanta, GA

10PM | Nov 13th, Damn Mondays, Atlanta, GA

Who's your Santa?

New Album Video

Available on

Match made in notes

rocking your world


Liam Yablonski

Lead vocal

Scott Anderson


Grace Davis

Lead vocal

Ethan Martinez


Emma Spool

Backup Vocal

Noah Krug


Jeffrey Martinez


Oliver Wroblewski


Turn the volume up

Dance to our hit songs

Making our music adventures a reality

The sponsors' den

Welcome to the rock jungle

Summer o' 2025